Girls, girls, girls!!

I am hoping that you receive this, as this is the first time I try a "blog". Apparently this is the new way to communicate to many at the same time, and easier to share photos. We'll see! I do have some friends that do a great job with this . . . so maybe I'll have to reach out to "you all" experts to get some advice. Having said this . . . feel free to give some advice, suggestions on how to improve this site. Or maybe just make it more legible, understandable, or translate it to a better English. Oh, by the way, if I do post something in Spanish, I promise to translate . . . even if it looses something in the translation. We'll see. I'll probably post more pictures than words. Hmm?

Ok, so the real reason I'm doing this is because Andrea is having a baby shower, she is in Madison, Wisconsin (please use a midwestern accent when saying Wisconsin--Weeeesconsiiiiin). And since all of us are in the West Coast, how the heck are we all going to participate? Especially those games we love to play at showers (yuck). But, I'll try to make it fun and exciting. I think blogging is the closest to showing it live --- if I could figure this out, I'd rather do it live -- but at no cost. I've got to save my pennies. Too many nietas in my world!

Next Chapter: Let's play!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


You get to have a second chance on guessing due date.  According to doctor, baby is "robust", whatever that means, so far weighs approximately 3 lbs 2 oz.  Radiologist says baby is coming two weeks earlier!  But my question is: 2 weeks from when?  January 2nd or December 27?
What do you think?
New question:    How much will Eva (ELo) weigh when she is born?

Stay tuned for pictures!  Shower is Sunday . . . and I will be there too!!  Sorry you all are missing it, because I'm making enchiladas of mole, mexican rice, and maybe some chilaquiles.  The attendees are mostly students, so I know that most claim that they are "starving, poor students."  However, when I'm there they all seem to hit the local restaurants, eat cheese curds (delicacy in Wisconsin) and drink beer.   I don't mind being motherly and cooking up a storm.  (maybe I'm being too soft?)  I'll post food pictures.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I believe she will be around 5-6 pounds. =D
